Suggestions for list segments

If you are on a paid plan, Campaignified will offer to create a number of example segments for your list in Campaign Monitor when you select and confirm your list. The free plan does not include the Shopify data necessary to take advantage of list segments, so if you need this, you might want to consider upgrading to a paid plan. The segments included by default are:

Customers yet to Purchase

Customers who have created an account through some means, but are yet to make an order.


Customers who have made at least one order.

Repeat Customers

Customers who have made two or more orders.

Newsletter subscribers

Customers who signed up through the newsletter signup form. This matches customers with the ‘newsletter’ tag, so will only work with the standard Shopify newsletter form (see related article).


Customers who signed up through the newsletter signup form and are yet to make an order.


Customers whose total spend over all orders is greater than $500. You will probably want to tweak this to an appropriate value for your store.

Big Spenders

Customers who have spent more than $100 on a single order. As above, you will proabably want to tweak this value.

Relative Dates

Segments only allow for set, not relative dates. For example, you can’t create a segment which says ‘customers whose Date of Registration is within the last 30 days’ or ‘customers whose Date of Last Order was more than 6 months ago’. Segments are not dynamic in this way, so if you are looking for this kind of behaviour you will need to use Campaign Monitor’s ‘automated workflows’.

In the second example above, you would create a new workflow (under the Automation tab) triggered by ‘A date’. Select the ‘Date of Last Order’ date field and then on the second page, select ‘Send this email 6 months after each subscriber’s “Date of Last Order” date’.

Further Suggestions

In addition to the fields listed above, you might like to make use of the region-based fields. For example, you might like to target customers from a certain city where you’re holding an in-store event/promotion. There’s no point notifying customers outside the region, so it is worth creating a targeted segment.

Let us know if you have any further ideas for list segments using Campaignified’s custom fields. We’d love to hear from you!